July 20 – Saturday – 10:00 AM – $ – Coffee Morning at Starbucks, 5825 Derek Ave, Sarasota (off of Clark Rd.) Come and join us. Look for a Mensa tent card or yellow balloon. R.S.V.P. helpful: Don Chinnici, 539-8855. Please note: This event is listed on the Meetup Public Mensa site, and is open to the public. Come and mingle with people who want to know who we are. July 20 – Saturday – 10:00 AM – $ – Coffee Morning at Starbucks, 5825 Derek Ave, Sarasota (off of Clark Rd.) Come and join us. Look for a Mensa tent card or yellow balloon. R.S.V.P. helpful: Don Chinnici, 539-8855. Please note: This event is listed on the Public Mensa calendar, and is open to the public. Come and mingle with people who want to know who we are.