Scrabble®, at the Clever Cup Cafe

The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue 6530 Gateway Avenue, The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue, FL, United States

July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Tuesday – 1:30 PM – FREE – SCRABBLE®. Sarasota Scrabble Club meets at The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue. They serve specialty teas, coffees, and homemade pastries (some vegan). We usually have 12-16 players and we play friendly fun games, allowing you to use the dictionary as needed. […]



Nancy Heinrich 3901 Calliandra Drive, Sarasota, FL, United States

July 7 – Sunday – 7:00 PM – FREE – GAMES. Why not relax with some games? Bring your favorite board, card or other table game to the home of Nancy Heinrich, 3901 Calliandra Drive, Sarasota. Also bring a snack to share and your drink of choice. R.S.V.P. to Nancy at or 373-0956. C, WA, SS

Scrabble®, at the Clever Cup Cafe

The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue 6530 Gateway Avenue, The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue, FL, United States

July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Tuesday – 1:30 PM – FREE – SCRABBLE®. Sarasota Scrabble Club meets at The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue. They serve specialty teas, coffees, and homemade pastries (some vegan). We usually have 12-16 players and we play friendly fun games, allowing you to use the dictionary as needed. […]


Scrabble®, at the Clever Cup Cafe

The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue 6530 Gateway Avenue, The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue, FL, United States

July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Tuesday – 1:30 PM – FREE – SCRABBLE®. Sarasota Scrabble Club meets at The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue. They serve specialty teas, coffees, and homemade pastries (some vegan). We usually have 12-16 players and we play friendly fun games, allowing you to use the dictionary as needed. […]



Nancy Heinrich 3901 Calliandra Drive, Sarasota, FL, United States

July 21 – Sunday – 7:00 PM – FREE – GAMES. Come and stimulate your mind. Bring your favorite board, card or other table game to the home of Nancy Heinrich, 3901 Calliandra Drive, Sarasota. Also bring a snack to share and your drink of choice. R.S.V.P. to Nancy at or 373-0956. C, WA, SS


Scrabble®, at the Clever Cup Cafe

The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue 6530 Gateway Avenue, The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue, FL, United States

July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Tuesday – 1:30 PM – FREE – SCRABBLE®. Sarasota Scrabble Club meets at The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue. They serve specialty teas, coffees, and homemade pastries (some vegan). We usually have 12-16 players and we play friendly fun games, allowing you to use the dictionary as needed. […]


Scrabble®, at the Clever Cup Cafe

The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue 6530 Gateway Avenue, The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue, FL, United States

July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Tuesday – 1:30 PM – FREE – SCRABBLE®. Sarasota Scrabble Club meets at The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue. They serve specialty teas, coffees, and homemade pastries (some vegan). We usually have 12-16 players and we play friendly fun games, allowing you to use the dictionary as needed. […]

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