South Sarasota Second Saturday Social Soiree

Word of Mouth 1740 East Venice Avenue, Venice, FL, United States

July 13 – Saturday - 10 AM  – $$ - South Sarasota Second Saturday Social Soiree (SSSSSS) will meet at Word of Mouth, 1740 East Venice Avenue, Venice for brunch this month. This is also the weekend of the annual Venice Sharks Tooth Festival. Meet Linda Hathaway and others at the restaurant to enjoy a wide variety […]

Cheap Eats

The Breakfast House 1817 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, FL, United States

July 16 – Tuesday – 11:30 AM - $ - CHEAP EATS. This month we’ll try a new place, The Breakfast House, 1817 Fruitville Road, Sarasota. Many of their entrée’s are in the range of $10 or $11 and they have more breakfast choices than I’ve ever seen. They also serve lunch and the cozy […]

Scrabble®, at the Clever Cup Cafe

The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue 6530 Gateway Avenue, The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue, FL, United States

July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Tuesday – 1:30 PM – FREE – SCRABBLE®. Sarasota Scrabble Club meets at The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue. They serve specialty teas, coffees, and homemade pastries (some vegan). We usually have 12-16 players and we play friendly fun games, allowing you to use the dictionary as needed. […]



G's Country Kitchen 1000 Circus Blvd, Sarasota, FL, United States

July 5, 12, 19, 26 – Friday – 5:00 PM (or thereabouts) - $ - P.O.E.T.S. (Phooey on Everything, Tomorrow’s Saturday) In response to feedback from attendees, we will be trying a new location for July. Show up at or around 5 PM to join us for dinner at G’s Country Kitchen, 1000 Circus Blvd. in Sarasota (in […]

PUBLIC: Coffee Morning at Starbucks

Starbucks 5825 Derek Ave, Sarasota, FL, United States

July 20 – Saturday – 10:00 AM – $ – Coffee Morning at Starbucks, 5825 Derek Ave, Sarasota (off of Clark Rd.) Come and join us. Look for a Mensa tent card or yellow balloon. R.S.V.P. helpful: Don Chinnici, 539-8855. Please note: This event is listed on the Meetup Public Mensa site, and is open to the public. Come and mingle with people who want to […]


Nancy Heinrich 3901 Calliandra Drive, Sarasota, FL, United States

July 21 – Sunday – 7:00 PM – FREE – GAMES. Come and stimulate your mind. Bring your favorite board, card or other table game to the home of Nancy Heinrich, 3901 Calliandra Drive, Sarasota. Also bring a snack to share and your drink of choice. R.S.V.P. to Nancy at or 373-0956. C, WA, SS


Scrabble®, at the Clever Cup Cafe

The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue 6530 Gateway Avenue, The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue, FL, United States

July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Tuesday – 1:30 PM – FREE – SCRABBLE®. Sarasota Scrabble Club meets at The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue. They serve specialty teas, coffees, and homemade pastries (some vegan). We usually have 12-16 players and we play friendly fun games, allowing you to use the dictionary as needed. […]



G's Country Kitchen 1000 Circus Blvd, Sarasota, FL, United States

 July 5, 12, 19, 26 – Friday – 5:00 PM (or thereabouts) - $ - P.O.E.T.S. (Phooey on Everything, Tomorrow’s Saturday) In response to feedback from attendees, we will be trying a new location for July. Show up at or around 5 PM to join us for dinner at G’s Country Kitchen, 1000 Circus Blvd. in Sarasota (in […]

Cheap Asian Eats

Asian Kitchen 5555 Palmer Crossing Circle, Sarasota, FL, United States

July 27 – Saturday – 12 Noon – $ - CHEAP ASIAN EATS. Let's again meet at Asian Kitchen, 5555 Palmer Crossing Circle, in Sarasota. (Turn south off Clark Road, about a quarter-mile east of the
stoplight at Honore Avenue or a quarter-mile west of the stoplight at Gantt Road.) Lunches start at $6.79.  The food […]

Scrabble®, at the Clever Cup Cafe

The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue 6530 Gateway Avenue, The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue, FL, United States

July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Tuesday – 1:30 PM – FREE – SCRABBLE®. Sarasota Scrabble Club meets at The Clever Cup Cafe, 6530 Gateway Avenue. They serve specialty teas, coffees, and homemade pastries (some vegan). We usually have 12-16 players and we play friendly fun games, allowing you to use the dictionary as needed. […]

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