Who Likes Puzzles?
Puzzle #864
Until June 23
What (post 1900) Major Leaguer hit the most home runs in a span of 6 consecutive years? This one is tough! There’s just one try on this one, so be careful!
E-mail your answer to the puzzle guy at dwightgill@gmail.com
And the answer was: (click here)
Sammy Sosa hit 332 home runs from 1998 through 2003! Starting with 1998, he hit 66, 63, 50, 64, 49, and 40 HRs for each of the next six years. Babe Ruth (302) and Mark McGwire (316) are the only other plays to achieve 300 or more homers in a six-year span.
And with any luck, Dwight will be back soon and introducing a new puzzle.
By Wednesday afternoon, only Nancy Heinrich, Linda Fleit, and Trevor McGuire solved this one.
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