Sarasota Scrabblers, Permanent location change

Announcements:  This permanent change-of-address for the Sarasota Scrabblers was too late to go into the March’s The 4m:   Sarasota Scrabblers is now at The Clever Cup Cafe , 6530 Gateway Ave. at 1:30 pm They serve specialty Teas, Coffees, homemade pasteries,...

Evaluators Needed to Read Scholarship Essays

You may have received this. Scholarship Chair, Linda Hathaway, informs us that the local Mensa Scholarship decision period begins. And asks us to read the essays, and weigh in on whom you think is a worthy choice.Contact us to be put in touch. The Scholarship deadline...

American Mensa’s New Executive Director

On behalf of the American Mensa Committee, I’m proud to announce the selection of Trevor Mitchell as American Mensa’s new Executive Director. The AMC is thrilled with this choice — the leadership Trevor has demonstrated is just what Mensa needs as we continue to...

Net Neutrality, and discussion.

Much discussion (read, uproar) currently surrounds the discussion of “Net Neutrality” — or more specifically, the roll back of the eighteen-month law.

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